Illustrating who & what I love!

Easy, easy craft with sparkle paint n' stones!

Kitchen Table Art Project
This is a craft I did at 7:00 in the morning while getting two kiddos ready for school and I didn't skip a beat!  Let me stress, I am soooo not super woman and only wish I were a "type A" person, because maybe then, I'd understand why every drawer in my house has evolved into a junk drawer!  I was responsible for non-edible Valentine treats for a pre-school party and while I had the requisite throw-away items in a little bag, I created these GOOD LUCK ladybugs and liked em' best of all and I think the kiddos did as well!
Sparkle puffy paint, a Sharpie marker, pebbles and your are set to go!  Draw out the little Ladybug, then sort of thickly dab the paint from the nozzle of the paint bottle and then micro-wave to dry...if like me, you are doing first thing in the morning!  Now my second grader has asked for a bunch of them!  The perfectly imperfect stones can be found at a Dollar Store, craft store, or maybe in your own backyard!!!!  Just thought I'd share the recent "kitchen table project!"

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